People with disabilities have difficulties in life especially those who rely on public transport to go around.
That’s why we should give a hand to these people, help them when they need, give space on a bus, help them to get on bus..
However, it’s sad that some people wouldn’t care enough to help someone in a wheelchair trying to board on train or bus.
This is what happened in Paris, when a disabled man named François Le Berre was attemting to board on bus, no one would make room for him.
“No-one wanted to move despite the access ramp,” François told the Huffington Post.
The bus driver noticed how the passengers ignored François and decided to give these thoughtless people a taste of their own medicine and a day that François would never forget.
The driver was so incensed by the passengers on his bus he stood up and told everyone to get off and wait for the next one.
“Terminus! Everybody down!” the driver announced, according to François’ Facebook post.
“Everyone did it, but some people did grumble a bit,” he added.
The driver then told the passengers, “Everyone might need a wheelchair one day.”
François and his brother then enjoyed a ride on a bus all to themselves.
The story went viral after it was shared on Twitter by the “Accesible pour tous” (Accessible for All) association.
The post received thousands of likes and shares with many praising the actions of the bus driver.
“Congratulations to this driver who emptied his bus to allow a disabled person to ride. Nice lesson. I hope the other passengers understood!” one post read.
“A superb reaction from this bus driver,” another post read.
RATP, Paris’s public transit system operator, wants to track down the driver of the bus so he can be praised for his commendable actions, CTV News reported.
This story is a wonderful reminder of the kindness we must show to others in our everyday lives. One small act can make a world of difference to those who are struggling.
Please share to pay tribute to this thoughtful bus driver who stood up for a person in need and taught those selfish people around him a lesson.