
Just like humans, dogs inherit their body features from their parents. Most of the time, dogs end up regular shades of different colors: white, brown, or black, but every once in a while genes work together in just a unique way, creating amazing colored coats that deserve more than a second glance.

You can distinguish some dog breeds just from the colors, like the Dalmatian for instance. While other dog breeds typically have solid coats that include only one color, like the golden retriever or black lab for example. When a breed that typically has a solid colored coat is born with a splash of color, their markings appear even more remarkable.

But even with all these differences, we occasionally come across dogs that are so special in their appearance that we have to stop and admire their beauty. Here are 20 dogs with the most unique fur markings and patterns we’ve ever seen.

1. This Dachshund has a a little bit of every coat.

2. This little racoon forgot to put on his mask today.

3. This good boy’s markings are certainly one of a kind.

4. This pup appears to be planning a robbery.

5. Half husky, half labrador…

Some one even split the image and mirrored it!

6. This little pup constantly looks surprised.

7. Is this a small panda or a little pupper?

8. This dog has an angel on his face.

9. Blue eyes and speckles, i think i’m in love.

10. This little pup has a perfect heart on his nose.

11. And this one has a paw print.

12. This pups moustache game is strong.

13. His way of saying “I love you”.

14. Both of these two have heart shaped markings on their fur.

15. Is this a dog or white tiger?

16. This dog has two different colour eyes and numerous different colours of fur going on.

17. This good boy’s freckles are absolutely stunning.

18. This pooch is aptly named ‘pepper’.

19. Find me someone with a better moustache, I’ll wait.

20. This incredible marking is know as ‘mosaic’.

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